Roll your works upon the Lord

I had the whole of last month panned out. My content, my studies and all the extra things I do after work were all taken into account when I planned, but it was not long after my commitment to minimalism that the wheels began to fall off. Have you ever had the kind of day where everything and everyone demanded your attention in such a way, it made it near impossible to get to your to-do list? The problem with that is it then forces you to add today’s to-do list to tomorrow's. It just so happened that that became my week. A week which then became my month! It was so bad that I honestly thought the last thing I should be doing was writing on preserving peace because that was the one fruit of the spirit which had fallen off my tree. But then, as the busyness started to subside, and I had a chance to quieten down, I had a time of introspection where I realized that there were a couple of things I could have done better to avoid being in that frizzled, h...