
Showing posts from August, 2019

Keeping good company to keep your peace

We all at some time or other have come into the presence of a cancerous personality.  A person who seeks to pull you into their negative world and does nothing but rob you of your quality of life.    Some may have dated one and even more sadly married one.    If that is you, I sympathize!   The truth  of the matter is, it’s a draining job.   I recall a conversation I once had with a person of narcissistic tendencies.   They spoke for about 30 minutes and dominated the conversation  and it was at the point where t hey shut my advice down a number of times did I realize that I had become their trash can.   By the end of what seemed so torturous, they left, “happier” while I was emotionally drained.   I've also many a time been confronted with people who are by nature  emotional bullies. The people who feed off the misery of others because, in their minds, they're superior, have all the answers and everyone else is...

Creating a safe haven – Part III

Developing a minimalistic lifestyle The first time I learned about minimalism, was from a friend who sent me a video on YouTube explaining how the concept worked.   In the video, there were two men who were gifted in the art of rhetoric.   Their argument was that in the world we live in, where everyone’s trying to “Keep up with the Kardashians,” we’ve lost sight of the things which should be really important to us.   Using a cellphone as an example they continued that most people would wait in ridiculously long queues from early hours of the morning to get their hands on the latest iPhone, but, who lacked the social skills to engage with the people around them. It made sense to me and I agreed that the world we live in has become the greediest it’s ever been, but at the point when they went as far as living in a house with just the bare essentials, they lost me. I am not one to go that extreme with anything but I see the value in what the core idea behind minimalism...