Peace Over Panic in a Global Pandemic

Admittedly, it’s been a long while since I’ve blogged, and if I'm being honest, I've allowed myself to get distracted. With today being panic awareness day, I thought it would be a good time to hop back on and share how it’s been going. Firstly, there was and still is a pandemic that closed the city, country, and entire world Armeggeddon style, sending my anxiety through the roof! Asking myself questions like: Would I still be employed after the lockdown is over? Are my skills essential? Is Jesus coming, and if He is, am I ready? No judgment please #Iknowi’mnotalone. Needless to say, I obediently did as I was told. Stayed home, socially distanced, and sanitized while watching the bleak news reports from around the world tell of how thousands were holding onto a thread of their lives revealing that no country was prepared for what was/is a deadly virus. To make matters more complicated, the usual places to go for guidance and peace were closed like the rest...